Work Hard, Play Hard

Our summer school motto was “work hard, play hard.” For the kids in summer school, we had some serious goals: writing essays, mastering basic grade level math skills, and reading a novel were things we needed to do in order for students to feel successful in the next academic year. However, we also wanted to tag other skills we knew students needed to be successful… the restaurant project allowed for team work, research, and breaking a long-term project into timely steps. In order to stay motivated along the way, we had built in breaks & Thursday award time. We gave prizes to our Shining Stars & we all got a sweet treat. I think the watermelon was the class favorite.



3 thoughts on “Work Hard, Play Hard

  1. WOW!!! I’m so happy you guys had a great Summer School experience, but I’m so sad that I will not be able to celebrate with you on Thursday. 😦

    I’m looking forward to meeting the math ‘student teachers.’ I’m hoping to learn a math thing or two from you! 🙂

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